Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 57 Redmond to Blue River

Friday, July 15, 2011

Miles  69.92     Total  3,995. 08     Daily Avg.  70.09
Avg. Speed  15.0     Max. Speed  33.3   Alt Climbed 3261 ft

Departed Redmond early for a 20 mile ride to Sisters, a small tourist town at the foot of McKenzie Pass.  We met up with Joey for breakfast and a tour of the town.  This is a nice little town with many art galleries and tourist shops. 

By 11:30 we had seen everything there is to see and began our climb of a volcano.  Leaving Sisters we had a ten mile climb to the top of McKenzie Pass, 5,324 ft.  The road began with conifer trees lining both sides of the road, but little grown cover, as we climbed the trees became more dense and the ground was covered with ferns and rhododendrons.  We came around one steep bend and the view opened to a large lava field stretching into the distance.  The lava field continued for the final 3 miles of the climb to the summit.  From the summit we began a 20 mile descent down to 900 ft.  The road was not particularly steep.  The sharp turns and switch backs required our attention and kept our speeds down.  It was a beautiful descent through dense forest.

Approach to Sisters


Downtown Sisters

The lava fields

Lava fields atop McKenzie Pass

Lava fields

Almost to the top

Mid July and snow is still present

Sisters peaks

St. John's Wort plant

Bridge over McKenzie River

McKenzie River Bridge

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